October 21, 2006

Another Anton Doggy Update

Update from Anton on MAx and Ollie

Just for the hell of it...another quick update...though Oliver bears the brunt of mucho criticism...I have discovered something interesting about weasel Max with my shockingly impressive detective skills...each night, the dog-deterring, couch spiky pad of death nearest to the Cheetah/Scout chair seems to move a bit...I began to think it was achievable because I was setting the pads askance with corners hanging out over the couch, but that did not deter the pad moving, night gnome....

This morning, I noticed it had again moved and there seemed to be a fair amount of dog hair on the couch where it resided...Putting my Holmesian detective skills to use, I figured out that Oliver was standing up, grabbing the pad, and then shoving it over...after that idea, I came to the conclusion that if one were to use one's nose to relentlessly shuffle a spiky death pad over, one would have to have a nice protuberant nose and not some truncated thing smashed on your face like a UFC figher...That dirty weasel beagle...

Of course, my vaunted powers of deduction are having a difficult time solving the mystery of the missing turtle food...I cannot be sure if I misplaced it inside after feeding the outdoor fish, if some rogue creature absconded with it, or if blustery winds rolled it out of sight...Rest assured, I will not rest until I am sure I have uncovered the plot.


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