Sandra's Barcelona Apartment
As promised, here are a few pics of Sandra's living arrangements in Barcelona...
The fabulous doors leading to the fabulous Barcelona apartment.
The tiny bed and computer workstation. You have to be an extremely tolerant and peaceful sleeper to share this bed. Note that one pillow nearly spans the entire width.

The view down from the head of her bed. You can often hear what goes on in the other apartments.
The internet "Locutorio" place across the street. You can use the internet or make phone calls here with the help of the almost friendly Pakistani guy. How do they survive as a business when the most they can make off all their computers combined is 7 euro per hour? Who knows?
Her balcony/clothes line. Note the toilet bowl used as a planter. The view from the balcony is other nearby apartments and rooftops. I'm pretty sure you can't see the ocean.
A very handsome young man draws on the couch which sometimes doubles as an alternative torture-device bed. See that shelf next to the couch? I would stick my feet into it when I tried to sleep on the couch.
The whimsical shower. You eyes do not deceive you. It was like stepping into a frying pan. You'd close the blue curtain, and it would immediately cling to your body. If you slipped and fell in the shower, you'd end up in the living room.



The view down from the head of her bed. You can often hear what goes on in the other apartments.




Apartment rental agencies which have an office based in the centre offer you an advantage in that if anything should go wrong then you can always go round to their office to speak to someone.
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